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What is Brick-lined well?

A brick well is a hand-dug well with walls of brick, sometimes called "Dutch brick" if trapezoidal or site-made. The technique is old, but still applicable in developing countries where labor costs are low and materials are expensive.Ancient[edit]Wells dug by hand are mentioned in the Bible. [1] Mes

2023 05-12
bloom caster suppliers - CHNZBTECH.jpg
Continuous caster - main equipment and process technology

A modern steelmaking plant is a combination of various metallurgical units. After refining outside the furnace, the molten steel is poured into the continuous caster to solidify it into billets. The coupling machine starts to connect the important link between steel rolling and rolling. The solidification of molten steel in the continuous caster is affected by the interaction of various physical processes such as flow, heat transfer, mass transfer and stress.

2022 05-18
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What are the types of rolling mills

Rolling mill and cold rolling mill are commonly used mechanical equipment, especially in industrial production activities. Moreover, they are also the main products of the website, so for us, we have to understand them. However, due to the limited space of the article, the small editor will introduce one of them, the rolling mill, which mainly explains its two aspects, its type and its tension. I hope you can know more about the rolling mill through this article.

2022 05-11
China bloom caster - CHNZBTECH.jpg
Continuous casters' specific types introduction 01

At present, there are five types of continuous casters used all over the world: vertical, vertical bending, arc, oval and horizontal. The pouring operation, crystallization solidification, secondary cooling, cutting and other processes of the vertical continuous caster are carried out in sequence on the vertical line. The vertical bending caster is vertical first, then bent 90 ° into a horizontal shape after the slab solidifies, and then cut and transported out.

2022 04-13
billet caster suppliers - CHNZBTECH.jpg
Continuous casting machine-what is it

The production process of continuously casting high-temperature molten steel into billet with certain section shape and certain size is called continuous cast steel. The equipment required to complete this process is called continuous casting complete set of equipment. The electro-hydraulic integration of steel pouring equipment, caster body equipment, cutting area equipment, dummy bar collection and transportation equipment constitutes the core equipment of continuous cast steel, which is traditionally called continuous caster​.

2022 04-11




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